Ifkit documentation


Ifkit, or Interface Foundation Kit, is a set of convenience mixins for your everyday SASS needs. We've been making the same classes for almost every project we do, so we're moving to standardize that set of controls.


Ifkit requires Sass and Compass. Some Ifkit mixins need Sass 3.2+ to function (they're marked as such in this documentation), while most will work with any version of Sass.

How to use

Add the Ifkit stylesheets into your project. The recommended usage is to put ifkit/ into your project's Sass directory (vendor/assets/stylesheets/ in Rails).

Why Ifkit?

Ifkit aims to be a collection of self-contained building blocks of common interface patterns. It is not a CSS framework like Bootstrap and such.

Sass 3.2 notes

Some mixins may need Sass 3.2+ (specifically the media queries). This is to support mixins that can have content blocks (eg, +if-retina { ... }).

If you arre using Ruby + Bundler, simply update your Gemfile to use a prerelease version:

gem 'sass', '~> 3.2.0.alpha'

Or if you don't use Bundler, install it with gem install sass --pre.


Easy cross-browser animations. Supported by FF, Webkits, and IE10+ so far. (Reference)

To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/animation';.

Note: this is only useable in Sass 3.2.

Example usage

@include if-keyframes(drift) {
  0% { background-position: 0 0; }
  100% { background-position: -1000px 0; }

.images {
  @include if-animation(drift, 90s, infinite, linear); }


@include if-animation ($name, $duration, $count, $timing)

Makes animations. See above for an example.


@include if-keyframes($name) { ... }

Defines keyframes for an animation. See above for an example.


Ifkit provides some mixins for buttons.

Take note that all buttons must be laid on top of a parent element that has position: relative; z-index: 0;. This is because Ifkit relies on z-index: -1 for button borders, and elements with negative z-indices will not be visible if it's not placed a parent that has a z-index of >= 0.


@include if-primary-button

@include if-default-button

Take the tour Cancel


<span class='button-1'>Take the tour</span>
<span class='button-2'>Cancel</span>


.button-1 {
@include if-primary-button; }
.button-2 {
@include if-default-button; }

Ifkit comes with a few default button styles.

You may override these styles by re-defining them. These are merely built with the other button mixins below.


@include if-button-color ($color, [ $strength, $border-strength, $hover-strength, $active-strength, $highlight-opacity ])

Red button Flat button


<span class='button-red'>Red button</span>
<span class='button-red-flat'>Flat button</span>


.button-red {
@include if-button-color(#d33, 0.5, 1.1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.2); }
.button-red-flat {
@include if-button-color(#d33, 1.0, 1.1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.2); }

You may specify additional parameters. All parameters except $color are optional.

The base color.
Multiplier for the gradient color. 1.0 makes the button flat, 0 makes the button dark.
Multiplier for the border color. 1.0 makes the border have the same color as the button, < 1 makes it darker, > 1 makes it lighter. none removes the border.
Multiplier for the hover color.
Multiplier for the color for the active state (depressed) of the button.
Opacity for the highlight. 0.0 makes it invisible, 1.0 makes it completely white.


@include if-button-height ($height, [ $padding ])

@include if-button-radius ($left, [ $right ])

@include if-button-shadow ($shadow)

Pill button


<span class='button-pill'>Pill button</span>


.button-pill {
@include if-button-color(#eee, 0.9);
@include if-button-height(32px, 0 20px);
@include if-button-radius(16px);
color: #333;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 11pt;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(white, 0.5); }

Mixins to enhance if-button-color.

It is encouraged for you to make your own mixins using if-button-color and these, just like the example below.


To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/form';.



Alias for the selector that targets all textboxes. Equivalent to input[type=text], input[type=password], input[type=email], input[type=search], input:not([type]).


@include if-textbox



<input class='textbox' type='text' value='Normal text box' />
<input class='textbox' disabled='disabled' type='text' value='Disabled text box' />


#{$if-textboxes} {
&.textbox {
@include if-textbox; } }

Textbox. Includes styles for disabled, hover, focus, et al. Works great for <input> and <textarea> alike.


@include if-select ([ $height, $bg, $text-color ])



<select class='my-select'>
<option>Choose your weapon...</option>
<select class='my-select' disabled='disabled'>


.my-select {
@include if-select; }


@include if-form-layout ([ $label-width, $field-height, $vertical-margin, $horiz-margin, $radio-height, $field, $control-group, $control ])

We will never sell your email address.


<form class='my-form'>
<!-- Basic fields are simply label+input pairs. -->
<div class='field'>
<input type='text' />
<!-- For most cases, you will want to wrap -->
<!-- the controls inside `.controls`. -->
<div class='field'>
<div class='controls'>
<input type='text' />
<span class='help'>We will never sell your email address.</span>
<!-- Radio button fields have class='radio' -->
<!-- to reduce the line height. -->
<div class='field'>
<div class='controls'>
<div class='control'>
<input type='radio' />
<div class='control'>
<input type='radio' />
<!-- Horizontal layouts have class='horizontal'. -->
<div class='field'>
<label>Full name:</label>
<div class='controls horizontal'>
<div class='control'>
<input type='text' />
<label>First name</label>
<div class='control'>
<input type='text' />
<label>Last name</label>


form.my-form {
@include if-form-layout($field: '.field');

fieldset {
border: 0; }

#{$if-textboxes}, textarea {
@include if-textbox; } }

Gives fields in a side-by-side layout. Does not give any visual style to any of the elements, it simply gives them layout. This is often used on fieldset or form. You may specify some selectors:

The field selector. Defaults to .field.
Selector for a group of controls to group many controls in a field, say, radio buttons. Defaults to .controls.
Selector for a control+label pair's parent for multi-textbox fields (See "Full name" in the example). Defaults to .control.

Common settings:

You can add .horizontal (see "Full name" in the example) to the field control group to lay out its controls horizontally.

You can also add .radio or .checkbox to .field for a reduced line-height (see "Gender:").

All parameters are optional.


@include if-form-widths


<form class='my-form-2'>
<div class='field'>
<div class='controls horizontal'>
<div class='control p20'>
<input type='text' />
<div class='control p40'>
<input type='text' />
<div class='control p40'>
<input type='text' />
<div class='control p50'>
<input type='text' />
<label>Street 1</label>
<div class='control p50'>
<input type='text' />
<label>Street 2</label>
<div class='field'>
<label>Full name:</label>
<input class='p100' type='text' />
<div class='field'>
<label>Full name:</label>
<input class='p100' type='text' />


form.my-form-2 {
@include if-form-layout;
@include if-form-widths;

#{$if-textboxes} {
@include if-textbox; } }

Adds widths classes to controls. This lets you add .p20 classes to each individual control, where 20 is the width in percent.

Use this in conjunction with if-form-layout, like in the example.

Form reset

Form resets.

To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/form_reset';.


@include if-form-normalize

A supplement to CSS resets to ensure consistency of form elements as well. Simply add @include if-form-normalize; to ensure consistency between browsers.


@include if-form-reset

A supplement to CSS resets to ensure consistency of form elements, as well as reset the appearances of buttons and other elements.

Implies if-form-normalize.

Media query helpers

Media query helpers. Requires SASS 3.2. Don't use with 3.1 or lower.


@include if-phone-portrait

@include if-phone

@include if-tablet

@include if-mobile

@include if-desktop

Mixins for presets of width ranges. Phone-portrait is < 320px, Phone is <480px, Tablet is 768px to 1024px.

Mobile is 1024px which accounts for typical maximized desktop screens.


body {
  @include if-mobile {
    #top, #footer { display: none; } }
  @include if-phone {
    #menu { height: 20px; }


@include if-screen-width ($min, $max)

Screen widths. You may specify min and max as either a px number, or none.

@include if-screen-width(480px, none) { ... }    /* 480px and up */
@include if-screen-width($max: 1024px) { ... }   /* 1024px and below */
@include if-screen-width(none, 1024px) { ... }   /* 1024px and below */


@include if-retina

Checks for retina support.


@include if-portait

@include if-landscape

Mixins for portait or landscape mode for mobile devices.


Mixins used for making mobile web applications.


@include if-mobile-reset

Disables common tap stuff for iOS webapps such as tap outlines, image save panel, and so on.

# Use it at the top level
@include if-mobile-reset;

References: - http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/16494795/iPhone%3A%20Prevent%20callout,%20link%20selection,%20text%20auto-resize - http://www.bitsandpix.com/entry/ios-webkit-uiwebview-remove-tapclick-highlightborder-with-css/


Mixin for normalizing content appearances. Great if you use a reset.

To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/normalize';.


@include if-content ([ $vertical-margin, $indent, $collapse ])


Dolorem sapiente animi et at. Quaerat quia ipsam ut ipsum non. Vel dolores voluptas similique.

Aut ipsum vel fugiat id laborum adipisci ullam et. Recusandae nihil qui quod eum laboriosam. Laboriosam officia sunt sit architecto.

  • Lorem
  • Hello
  • Hello
  • Hello


<div class='content-area'>
<p>Dolorem sapiente animi et at. Quaerat quia ipsam ut ipsum non. Vel dolores voluptas similique.</p>
<p>Aut ipsum vel fugiat id laborum adipisci ullam et. Recusandae nihil qui quod eum laboriosam. Laboriosam officia sunt sit architecto.</p>


.content-area {
@include if-content; }

Normalizes typography for content areas.

You may specify additional parameters.

Margin in between things. Defaults to 20px.
Indentation for lists, blockquotes and such. Defaults to 25px.
If true, ensures that the top/bottom blocks don't have margins. Defaults to true.


@include if-vertical-margins ($vertical-margin)

Adjusts vertical margins between blocks.


Dolorem sapiente animi et at. Quaerat quia ipsam ut ipsum non. Vel dolores voluptas similique.

Aut ipsum vel fugiat id laborum adipisci ullam et. Recusandae nihil qui quod eum laboriosam. Laboriosam officia sunt sit architecto.


<div class='content-area'>
<p>Dolorem sapiente animi et at. Quaerat quia ipsam ut ipsum non. Vel dolores voluptas similique.</p>
<p>Aut ipsum vel fugiat id laborum adipisci ullam et. Recusandae nihil qui quod eum laboriosam. Laboriosam officia sunt sit architecto.</p>


.contents {
@include if-vertical-margins(20px); }


@include if-no-boundary-margins

Removes top/bottom margins from a content block. Use with if-content.


@include if-horizontal-dl

Horizontal definition lists.


For tooltips and things that have triangles sticking out of them.

To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/notch';.


@include if-simple-notch ($color, $size, $direction)

Simple notch.

Unlike if-notch, this one only supports color. It can't do shadows or backgrounds. However, the markup it uses is much simpler, there is no need for an extra element, and it's possible to use it on a :before or :after pseudo-element.

@include if-simple-notch(left, #fff, 10px)


@include if-notch ([ $direction: top, $color, $size, $border, $shadow ])


<span class='inotch top'></span>
<span class='inotch left'></span>
<span class='inotch bottom'></span>
<span class='inotch right'></span>


.inotch.top {
@include if-notch(top, #888); }
.inotch.left {
@include if-notch(left, #888); }
.inotch.bottom {
@include if-notch(bottom, #888); }
.inotch.right {
@include if-notch(right, #888); }

.inotch {
margin: 3px;
float: left;
outline: dotted 1px red; }

Makes a free, notch triangle shape that has display: block.


@include if-box-notch ([ $direction, $align ])

@include if-box-notch ([ $direction, $align, ... ])



<div class='notched'>
<div class='notch'></div>


.notched {
width: 200px;
height: 50px;
background: #888;
color: #ddd;
padding: 10px;
position: relative;
.notch {
@include if-box-notch(top, left, $color: #888) } }

Gives a box a notch. Give it to the notch sub-element of the box.

Note: ensure that the parent box has a position property, even if it's just position: relative.


Macros to help make absolute/relative positioning easier.

To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/position';.


@include if-absolute ($top, $right, $bottom, $left)

@include if-relative ($top, $right, $bottom, $left)

@include if-fixed ($top, $right, $bottom, $left)

Macros for absolute, relative, and fixed positioning.

.toolbar {
  @include if-absolute(0, auto, 50px, 50px); }

.icon {
  @include if-relative($top: 0, $left: 50px); }

Retina sprites

Helpers for making sprite sheets that are retina-compatible. Requires SASS 3.2. Don't use with 3.1 or lower.


@include if-retina-sprite ($name, $sprites, $sprites2x,)

Helper for Retina sprites.

Put your icon sprites in 2 folders: one for 1x assets, and another for 2x assets. Make sure that the filenames are the same (eg, icon/mail.png corresponds to icon2x/mail.png.)

Define 2 sprite maps using the Compass sprite-map helper for these two paths.

It's recommended to make a mixin for defining your icons.

$icon: sprite-map("icon/*.png");
$icon2x: sprite-map("icon2x/*.png");

 @mixin icon($name) {
   @include if-retina-sprite($name, $icon, $icon2x); }

 /* Use it like so: */
 button.mail {
   @include icon(mail); }

You can also define a padding by passing a 4th parameter. Be sure that your sprite maps have enough spacing to allow for this. This is great for expanding the hit area for iPhone assets.

/* Note that spacing in the 2x is twice the spacing of the 1x. */
$icon: sprite-map("icon/*.png", $spacing: 20px);
$icon2x: sprite-map("icon2x/*.png", $spacing: 40px);

 @mixin icon($name, $pad: 0) {
   @include if-retina-sprite($name, $icon, $icon2x, $pad); }

 /* This gives you a padding of 10px. */
 button.mail {
   @include icon(mail, 10px); }


To use, import this group in your stylesheet using @import 'ifkit/utilities';.


@include if-gradient ($top, $bottom)

Works like linear-gradient, but assumes that it's always vertical and has a background-color fallback.


@include if-clearfix

Cross-browser PIE clear fix.


@include if-non-list ([ $ul: block, $li: inline ])

Resets a <ul>s styles. If either $ul or $li are given, their respective elements will get that as a display property.


@include if-horiz-list

  • Home
  • About
  • Contact


<ul class='non-list'>


ul.non-list {
@include if-non-list;

& {
background: #555;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px; }

>li {
padding: 0 10px; } }

Resets a <ul>s styles to make it's <li>s lay out horizontally. Perfect for horizontal menus.


@include if-center-list

  • Home
  • About
  • Contact


<div class='centered-list'>


div.centered-list {
background: #555;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px;
overflow: hidden;

ul {
@include if-center-list; }

ul>li {
padding: 0 10px; } }

Works like if-horiz-list, but centers the list items. Perfect for horizontal menus that are centered. Be sure to overflow: hidden the container!


@include if-ellipsis

Truncates text using ellipses. Only works in Webkit and Opera.

Ifkit Animations if-animation if-keyframes Buttons if-primary-button if-default-button if-button-color if-button-height if-button-radius if-button-shadow Forms $if-textboxes if-textbox if-select if-form-layout if-form-widths Form reset if-form-normalize if-form-reset Media query helpers if-phone-portrait if-phone if-tablet if-mobile if-desktop if-screen-width if-retina if-portait if-landscape Mobile if-mobile-reset Normalize if-content if-vertical-margins if-no-boundary-margins if-horizontal-dl Notch if-simple-notch if-notch if-box-notch if-box-notch Positioning if-absolute if-relative if-fixed Retina sprites if-retina-sprite Utilities if-gradient if-clearfix if-non-list if-horiz-list if-center-list if-ellipsis