API reference

import { dom, element, string } from 'decca'



createRenderer(el, dispatch?)
Param Type Description
el DOMNode The DOM element to mount to
dispatch function, optional The dispatch function to the store

Returns render

Creates a renderer function that will update the given rootEl DOM Node if called. Returns a renderer function; see render.


render(element, context?)
Param Type Description
element Element Virtual element to render; given by element()
context *, optional The context to be passed onto the components as context

Returns void (callback)

A renderer function returned by createRenderer().



element(tag, props, ...children?)
Param Type Description
tag string Tag name (eg, 'div')
props object Properties
children Element string, optional

Returns Element

Returns a vnode (Element) to be consumed by render(). This is compatible with JSX. Returns An element.


{ tag, props, children }
Param Type Description
tag string Tag name (eg, 'div')
props object Properties
children (Element string)[]

A vnode (Element) to be consumed by render(). This is generated via element().



render(el, context?)
Param Type Description
el Element The Element to render
context *, optional The context to be passed onto components

Returns string

Renders an element into a string without using the DOM. Returns the rendered HTML string.