Inline documentation

# Publishes an article. This sets the `published_at`
# timestamp and makes the article appear in the
# `Article.published` scope.
def publish!

In an ideal world, we should always describe our work with documentation. In practical scenarios, we have time constraints and some things may be more important.

Should I write documentation?

  • Prioritize tests over documentation. A strong test suite has more long-term benefits than documentation, and good tests can be a poor substitute for documentation as well.

  • Prioritize documenting reusable parts. If you're writing code that a teammate it likely to need in the future, write some documentation for it.

  • Prioritize documenting classes/modules over individual methods. Documenting evry method is time consuming. If you little time to write documentation, prioritize documenting whole classes.


Here's a very basic example of documentation that was written in haste. Despite missing actual words, a quick glance can help a new developer understand how this class works and how it's used.

# A blog post.
# == Scopes
#     Article.published
#     Article.drafts
#     Article.feature
# == Methods
#     @article.publish!
#     @article.feature!
# == Presenters
# Also see +ArticlePresenter+.
#     @article.presenter.body_html
#     @article.presenter.body_markdown
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
Note: this section mostly applies to private projects. Different ettiquette applies to documentation in open source projects.

Next: Let's recap what we've learned.

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