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Guides: Makefiles

All of Lidoc's options are passed via the command line: lidoc *.js --output docs. When you have many files, this can get cumbersome and hard to remember.

It may be best to create a Makefile to automate documentation generation for you.

Creating the Makefile

Create a file called Makefile.

# Makefile
LIDOC := ./node_modules/lidoc/bin/lidoc

# Define the files you need as input here.
docs: lib/*.js lib/**/*.js
  rm -rf $@
  $(LIDOC) $^ --output $@

In GNU Make, the $@ variable refers to the file being built (in this case, docs) and $^ refers to its dependencies (in this case, et al).

Invoking it

To build your documentation, simply type:

$ make docs