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require "test/env"

files = [

  .describe('Lidoc parser')
    'Parsing the fixture':
      topic: ->
        Lidoc.parse files: files, quiet: true, (project) =>
          @callback null, project

      'should have pages': (project) ->
        assert.isObject project.pages

      'should have files': (project) ->
        assert.isObject project.files

      'Page attributes':
        topic: (project) ->

        '.title': (page) ->
          assert.equal page.title, 'Hello'
        '.headings': (page) ->
          assert.equal page.headings.join(","), ""

      'File attributes':
        topic: (project) ->

        '.sourceFile': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.sourceFile, 'test/fixture/'
        '.baseSourceFile': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.baseSourceFile, ''
        '.extension': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.extension, 'md'
        '.htmlFile': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.htmlFile, 'index.html'
        '.baseHtmlFile': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.baseHtmlFile, 'index.html'

        topic: (project) ->

        'should have an index.html': (readme) ->
          assert.equal readme.htmlFile, 'index.html'

        'should have the right sourceFile': (readme) ->
          assert.equal readme.sourceFile, 'test/fixture/'

        'should have the correct number of sections': (readme) ->
          assert.equal readme.sections.length, 3

        topic: (project) ->

        'should have the right attributes': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.htmlFile, 'test/fixture/parser.html'
          assert.equal file.sourceFile, 'test/fixture/parser.js'

        'should have a main heading': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.mainHeading.level, 1
          assert.equal file.mainHeading.title, 'Parser object'

        'sections should have something': (file) ->
          assert.isArray file.sections
          file.sections.forEach (section) ->
            assert.isString section.docsHtml
            assert.isString section.codeHtml
            assert.isString section.docsText
            assert.isString section.codeText

        'sections should have anchors': (file) ->
          assert.equal file.sections[0].anchor, 'Parser-object'
          assert.equal file.sections[1].anchor, 'parse'

        'sections should have headings': (file) ->
          file.sections.forEach (section) ->
            assert.isArray section.headings
            assert section.headings.length >= 0

        'sections should have rendered': (file) ->
          file.sections.forEach (section) ->
            assert section.docsHtml.length >= 0
