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Documentation: Lidoc standard

The lidoc standard is extremely simple and doesn't prescribe any way for you to define methods or arguments or anything.

It is aimed to be primarily human-readable; machine-parsability is of a lesser concern.

This documentation assumes CoffeeScript for examples. However, the standard can apply to any code language that can support comments.

Documenting files

Files are documented through Markdown comments.

Add Markdown comments to your project files in single-line comments.

You can use all supported Markdown on comments. These comments will be the documentation.

These should be done with single-line comments.

  • This is // in JavaScript, C, PHP, and others.
  • This is # in Python, CoffeeScript, Ruby, and so on.

Any H1 block signifies a page.

Any first H1 encounted in a file will be counted as a 'page'. Any content under it, until a new H1 is found, or until the end of file is reached, is counted as content of that page.

This is done by the markdown instruction #.

# # Parser
# This is the parser.
# It gets a bunch of things and outputs a bunch of stuff.

class Parser

  # ### parse()
  # Performs parsing on the given string.

  parse: (string) ->

Use H2 and H3 headings for sections.

H3's are recommended for methods.

# ### getDiscountedPrice()
# Applies merchant-specific discounts to the product and
# returns the discounted price as a number.
#     product.setPrice(20.00);
#     merchant.setDiscount(0.10);
#     product.getDiscountedPrice();
#     //=> 18.00

getDiscountedPrice: ->
  @price * (1.00 -