require 'test/env'
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
os = require 'os'
rimraf = require 'rimraf'
JsDom = require 'jsdom'
files = [
.describe('Lidoc builder')
topic: ->
@output = path.join os.tmpDir(), "lidoc#{Math.random()}"
options = files: files, quiet: true, output: @output, github: 'abc/def', gitBranch: 'master'
Lidoc.parse options, (project) => project, options, =>
'should build files': ->
files = [
files.forEach (file) =>
fn = path.join(@output, file)
assert.nonEmptyFile fn
topic: ->
fn = path.join(@output, 'test/fixture/parser.html')
fs.readFile fn, (err, data) =>
@callback err, JsDom.jsdom(data.toString(), null, features: QuerySelector: true)
'link to heading': (document) ->
assert document.querySelectorAll('[href="#parse"]').length >= 1
'link to home page': (document) ->
assert.equal document.querySelectorAll('[href$="../../index.html"]').length, 1
'link to another file': (document) ->
assert.equal document.querySelectorAll('[href*="test/fixture/actor.html"]').length, 1
'github source link': (document) ->
assert.equal document.querySelectorAll('[href=""]').length, 1
teardown: ->
rimraf @output, (err, result) ->